Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about dating and meeting one of our pre-screened Thai ladies, then chances are you will find the answers here. If not, please contact us and we will update this section to help other members in future newsletter issues.

How do interested Thai ladies hear about your service? 

The majority of the ladies that use our service learn of us via word of mouth.  We’ve also been featured recently in various Thai Blogs, and have begun advertising to exclusive channels via online ads.

Why do these ladies want to meet foreign men? How do I know they're not just after a green card and/or money?

As a Western man, there are a few reasons you have an edge in dating Thai women.

1.      Western men are perceived to be exotic and attractive to Thai women.

First, Westerners are usually thought of as a little more “Hollywood” -- more exotic and desirable than Thai men. It’s similar to the way that Western cultures consider Asian women exotic and beautiful. Remember that it goes both ways!

 2.      Western men are perceived as more caring, faithful, and family-oriented than Thai men.   

In Western societies, “cheating” (seeing another woman outside the confines of a monogamous relationship) is culturally frowned upon, considered unacceptable and unhealthy for the relationship.

However it is not only common in Thailand, it’s traditional and acceptable, as long as a man pays monetary support to the women involved. In Thailand, having a wife and a mistress or two (or more) is seen as a status symbol. Thais have titles for “other wives” including Mia Noi – the small wife (this is the mistress) and Mia Gep – the other secret wife.

Thai women are tired of this cultural acceptance. They’re watching Western television and movies and seeing a different -- more monogamous and family-centered -- way of life, which is more appealing to them. 

And because more Western men are living and working in Thailand, Thai women are seeing the possibility of a more stable, less dramatic, emotional and family life.

3.      Western men are seen as more protective and less violent than Thai men.

In Thailand, domestic violence is far more commonplace than it is in Western society. 

Needless to say, Thai women are more attracted to Western men as they are perceived to be less violent. Women desire security, safety, and protection – not just for themselves, but for their future family.

4.      Western men are perceived as better providers than Thai men.

Financial stability is a major component of security and safety. Western men usually have more income than Thai men, and Thai women feel that their quality of life would be safer and more secure with someone who can support them financially.  

If you spend time getting to know your prospective partner, her motives will become clear – and based on her motives, you can determine whether you can provide for her needs. 

Don’t forget that there are women in all countries that will want you only for your money. Stereotypical “gold-diggers” aren’t just women from less prosperous cultures. 

In Thailand you will find an amazing number of very traditional women who value a simple life and who are looking for a partner to care for and be cared for by. Unlike some Western women, Thai women are willing to make personal sacrifices to commit to that caring relationship.


You can use this knowledge to find what YOU seek in our Members section. To make the most of your newfound knowledge come and join us on the inside where you can meet a many pre-screened Thai women who are waiting for a man like you to cherish and respect them, and to find true, long-lasting love and live happily ever after.

Join us on our next Live Dating Tour Event.

These women are highly intelligent. They know what they want and they are fun to be around. We should know because we interviewed and screened each one of them in person.

Meet them now in person. Click here to register for a Live Dating Tour Event.